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HOA Partners, LLC
PO Box 1742
Broken Arrow, OK 74013

(Debbie Olson & Ann Shotwell)

918-442-4205 (Phone)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  Is fishing permitted in the Shenandoah Valley Homeowner Association ponds?

A. No.  Many homeowners have asked about fishing in the Homeowner’s Association ponds.  The pond has a flood control function for all of the homeowners; it is a watershed first and foremost.  It is not a recreation area.  The pond is separated into North and South sections with each section having a fountain.  The fountains oxygenate the water, and circulate applied chemicals for the control of algae (and other) growth, they are not for aesthetics.  These fountains have had breakdowns due to various reasons – plastic bags and fishing line/lures getting caught in them are the top reasons.  The repair is expensive.  The ponds are closed to fishing due to the fountain issues and due to liability to the homeowners.  Signs are posted to this effect.  No fishing is in the best interest of all homeowners and limits OUR cost and liability.


Q. Is the Shenandoah Valley Homeowners' Association affiliated with the Battle Creek Golf Club?

A. No, the SVHOA is not affiliated with the Battle Creek Golf Club. You can contact them directly at 918-355-4850 should you require their services or have any questions.

Q. What do my SVHOA dues go for?

A The dues are primarily used for the expenses of maintaining SVHOA common areas, the two ponds on the south side of Sandusky, the Sandusky entrance from Aspen and all the cul de sac islands. Maintenance expenses include the electrical cost for the pumps and lights, water for irrigation, mowing, weed eating, edging, landscaping, and chemical treatments

Q. When are your meetings?

A. We have an annual meeting every year usually in February, an announcement is mailed to all home owners.

Q. How do I become involved in the community? Shenandoah Valley Homeowners' Association?

A. Please contact any of the Board members listed on the Board Members page of this website.

Q. How do I get rid of door-to-door salespeople?

A. In 2015 Shenandoah Valley at Battle Creek Property Owners Association voted to become a Broken Arrow Non-Solicitation Neighborhood, posting signs at every entrance to our subdivision. What does that mean?

Before sellers can go door-to-door in Broken Arrow they must obtain a “Peddlers License” from the City of Broken Arrow. They are given maps of where they can and cannot go to solicitate. Sellers are then prohibited from going door-to-door in any Non-Solicitation Neighborhood including SVABC. Exceptions are usually children raising money for schools, school activities, scouting, campfire and other similar organizations.

  1. What to do if a salesperson comes to your door.
  2. Ask for their company’s name. They may also offer to show you their city issued license. You will need that to make a complaint. Inform them this is a BA non-solicitation neighborhood with signs posted at every entrance.
  3. Ask them to leave the neighborhood
  4. Telephone the BA Police non-emergency number at (918) 259-8400 to report the violation

The City of Broken Arrow takes these violations seriously and I believe they will send out an officer when one is available.

Q. Can my family and I use the golf course cart paths to walk and bicycle.

A. Unfortunately, no. The Battle Creek Golf Club land, including the paved cart paths are for the exclusive use of the golfers. “No Trespassing” signs are posted at most of the golf course access points. Being on a golf course if you are not a golfer can be very dangerous. Serious injury can result from being hit by a golf ball. Your presence on the course will also slow or stop play while golfers must wait for you to pass out of their range. In general, golfers are likely to be present and playing during all daylight hours.

Q. When is the annual Battle Creek neighborhoods garage sale.

A. The garage sale is held the 3rd Saturday in May from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm. Usually a charitable organization is selected to pick up any unsold items you my wish to donate. Simply set the items near the curb with a sign earmarking the items for the charity.